Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Among various social issues, divorce remains a significant concern in the country. In contrast to previous theoretical and evidence-based approaches, it appears that in the rising divorce rates is driven by new and diverse factors with distinct implications. This research aims to explore and analyze the reasons behind divorce among women seeking separation in Tabas city. The study was conducted from March 2021 to June 2023 using a qualitative method, and data was collected via interviews with 24 participants selected using purpose sampling method. Data analysis was conducted using the grounded theory. The findings reveal that divorce primarily stems from multifaceted family instability and self-centeredness, along with contributing factors including the breakdown of perceived sanctities, conflicts, and legal interventions. The major factors influencing divorce include the ease of divorce procedures, lack of support from counseling centers, and feelings of panic and vulnerability. The central theme identified in the study is post-traditional divorce, highlighting the growing feminization of divorce and the prevalence of female-initiated divorces in the studied society. Post-traditional divorce signifies an overshadowing of past grievances. and reasons in divorce requests which is accompanied with significant shifts in beliefs and norms of family dynamics among participants. Women involved in the study are reshaping notions of family, challenging traditional roles and identities, and redefining women's roles, rights, and expectations beyond conventional family boundaries. This embodies a critical concern in contemporary Iranian society. Therefore, there is a need for further theoretical study and the expansion of research on the findings of this study. The profound social changes brought about by modernity, globalization, and cultural shifts have significantly altered perceptions of family structures, urging researchers to delve deeper into these issues in future studies.


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