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1 Associate Professor in Anthropology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Demography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

3 MA in Women Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Gender discrimination is a social problem which most current societies are encountered. Women are the main target of such discrimination, so they have been received the most sufferings of the issue. Hence, it is highly necessary to address the problem and, more importantly, women's acquiescence to the gender-based discrimination in order to improve their life conditions and positions in the family and society. This research aims to study the relation between women's social capital and their discriminability in the family. For this purpose, Collins conflict theory was used as the theoretical framework. The investigation was conducted using survey method and the necessary data were gathered by questionnaire. The statistical population was the total married women at the age of 25 to 50 who had been living in Tehran city. Using cluster sampling, 196 women were chosen. According to the descriptive findings, the women’s discriminability was lower in terms of attitude than behavior, since socio-cultural changes occur faster and sooner in attitude than behavior. Moreover, among the studied women, the level of cultural capital was more than the social capital and their economic capital was the lowest. Finally, the findings confirm the effect of women's social capital on their discriminability in the family. In addition, the effect of cultural and economic capital and also the number of children on women's discriminability is confirmed. The results of multivariate analysis show that a decrease in discriminability among women is highly depend on an increase in their cultural capital and then their social and economic capital, but by increasing the number of children, women’s discriminability increases too.


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