Document Type : Original Article
1 National Institute for Population Research, Family Studies Department
2 Master of Demography, Allameh Tabatabai University
in this article, we explore the influence of premarital factors on marital happiness and divorce tendency, aiming to identify key determinants of family stability. The statistical population of survey is the married men and women of Tehran, and using Cochran's formula and optimal design effect, 1736 samples selected by multi-stage cluster sampling with questionnaire. The results show that marital happiness and the tendency to divorce were affected by a set of family background factors, individual characteristics, social support and couple-related variables. These variables have explained marital happiness by 23.2% and tendency to divorce by 11.2%. Men, people who give more importance to family, marriage is approved by their parents, have a wide social network, homogeneity at the beginning of marriage, and people with no history of premarital relationship, have reported higher marital happiness and lower tendency to divorce significantly. There is significant direct relationship between education and marital happiness; significant direct relationship between a history of separation from the mother during childhood with a tendency to divorce; significant inverse relationship between Age and duration of marriage and tendency to divorce. In general, it can be said that success or failure in married life is somewhat predictable. Based on our findings, we propose several policy recommendations, including the importance of educational initiative, advocating for homogamy, discouraging premarital relationships, and enhancing access to expert counseling services, particularly for the younger generation.
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