Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, Department of Islamic Thought, Shahid Beheshti University


The reduction of positive attitude towards marriage among the new generation is one of the concerns of experts and policymakers in the field of culture and family. This issue can be the result of various issues and problems. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the variables: use of social networks, fear of divorce, experience of friendship (with the opposite sex) and religiosity with the variable of attitude towards marriage.

The current research is a cross-sectional survey and has a descriptive-correlational nature. The statistical population of the research includes unmarried girls aged 20-34 living in the three, eight and fifteen districts of Tehran. The sample size was estimated to be 382 people using Cochran's formula. The sampling method was a combination of multi-stage and simple random classification methods.

The results of the multivariate analysis show that by controlling all the variables, the variables of fear of divorce, experience of friendship and use of social networks have a negative effect and the variables of religiosity and age have a positive effect on girls' attitudes towards marriage. On the other hand, the results of the path analysis show the mediating role of the fear of divorce in relation to the influence of the variables of using social networks, religiosity and experience of friendship on girls' attitude towards marriage.

According to the findings, the necessary trainings to manage media consumption and media literacy as well as strengthening religiosity from childhood to educational courses in universities are recommended
