Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Phd student of sociology, Islamic Azad University, Research and Sciences Branch

2 Associate professor, Research and Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University,

3 Professor, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch

4 Associate professor,, Islamic Azad University, Tehran East Branch

5 Assistant professor, Islamic Azad University.


The spread of modern values with the help of virtual space has intertwined the fabric of the new society. It is possible that orientation to these values has an effect on people's priorities and orientation. This article, which is the result of a research, is organized with the aim of investigating the relationship between modern values and social identity. The theoretical model of this research is a combination of the theories of Gibbins, Giddens and Jameson. The hypothesis of the research is: the more people tend to modern values, the more their national, religious and revolutionary identity will be weakened.

This research was done by survey method. The statistical population of the research is the citizens over 15 years of age in Tehran. The findings of the research show that the trend towards modern values has an inverse and significant relationship with Iranian identity, Islamic identity and revolutionary identity.

Keywords: modern values, Iranian identity, Islamic identity, revolutionary identit
