Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Sociology of Economics and Development, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr

2 Islamic Azad Univercity

3 Department of Sociology, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran


The Islamic and Iranian lifestyle is certainly very important for our society, but this style has undergone extensive changes with the tremendous revolution that has taken place in the last few decades in communication and computer-based information. A decisive role can be given to computer games among the factors that change the lifestyle, because these games are one of the most popular and attractive media, especially among children and teenagers, and one of the components of their identity formation.

This article aims to analyze the representation of the Iranian-Islamic lifestyle in native computer games, studying and investigating the characteristics of this lifestyle in five domestic computer games according to John Fisk's semiotic method.

The research method in this article is content analysis based on Iranian-Islamic lifestyle semiotics in native computer games. The results of the research show that the native programmers of computer games have not paid much attention and focus to the field of Iranian-Islamic lifestyle in the process of producing and enriching the content of these games.
