Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of the Social Department of Faraja Research Institute of Law Enforcement Sciences and Social Studies

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The economic productivity of industries is one of the main components of the economic growth and development of the country, and the sociological economic explanation of the phenomenon in Iran Khodro Industrial Group during the years 1999-68 and identifying the factors affecting it is the main goal of this article.
The research method is a sequential combination of longitudinal type and three research phases were used: 1-quantitative (time series), 2-quantitative (survey), Sequential sampling was used and a posteriori explanation was used for data analysis.
The decrease in the capital productivity of Iran Khodro Industrial Group has been explained as the most important component of the decrease in economic productivity during the years 1377 to 1399, from the perspective of economic sociology of the Paris school of economic regulation, under the influence of structural economic insecurity (repetition of the structural inflation of the macroeconomic society). This type of structural economic insecurity of industries in less developed countries such as Iran, under the influence of external factors including international sanctions and the cancellation of Iran Khodro's commercial contract with foreign companies, has intensified in reducing the capital productivity of this industry.
The results of post hoc explanation in three phases of research conducted at three levels of sociological explanation macro (international economy), medium (economic policies and policies of governments) and micro level (management strategies of managers) have shown that in the conditions of structural economic insecurity (repetition of inflation, recession) or stagnant inflation) has been effective in reducing the capital productivity trend of Iran Khodro Industrial Group (68-99). In the text of the article, some suggestions are presented for the way out of the decrease in the capital efficiency of Iran Khodro Industrial Group.
