Document Type : Case Study


Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr Branch, Bushehr, Iran


Societies in which people are responsible for their civic duties, sacrifice their own interests for the sake of the whole society, and institutionalize a sense of social responsibility will go towards sustainable development faster than other societies. The main goal of this study was to find out the relationship between economic satisfaction and social responsibility of among the employees of South Pars, which was done using a survey method and questionnaire tool. The statistical population consisted the employees of South Pars. To analyze the findings, SPSS software and statistical tests such as correlation, mean comparison, multiple regression and other tests were used. The sample included 400 employees who were selected using stratified random sampling method. The results showed that the average of social responsibility among employees is 83.51, which is lower than the expected average (105), indicating the low responsibility of employees. The results also showed that there is a significant relationship between the level of economic satisfaction and their social responsibility (r=0.29). The results of the regression showed that economic satisfaction has an effect (Beta=0.19) on explaining the dependent variable and explained 0.53% of the variance of the social responsibility variable (R²=0.53). The results showed that the average social responsibility of the employees is lower than average. This is exactly what Fayol states that the social responsibility of people in an organization means their compliance with the planned rules and principles, and partially undermines the legal dimension of social responsibility. According to Simmel, social responsibility is a kind of civic duty that helps the welfare of others in the society.


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