Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor in Social Sciences, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran

2 MA in Social Research, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran

3 MA in Cultural Studies, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


The contemporary era witnessed women’s redefinition of their own identity as the result of huge social changes that caused by the introduction of modernity into Iran. The changing process from assuming traditional roles to modern ones has not ever been without challenges. Women have been fighting the gender inequalities structures. Taking a feminism phenomenological approach and a qualitative method, the study explored the lived experience of women working as journalists in communicating with their male co-workers. In-depth interviews were done with 16 female journalists working for journals of Mashhad. The participants’ experiences of the gender inequality in workplace were classified into three categories. The underlying causes of gender inequality in workplace were the devastating cycle of reproducing gender socialization, gender-oriented structure of labour division, existence of gender clichés, and gender ideologies. The existence of such unequal structure in workplace has resulted in the unequal distribution of power, wealth, status and opportunities in favour of men, as well as gender blindness in workplace, ignoring the maternal and female requirements, deprivation feelings, reduction of job motivation, and stress among women. The experiences of the women show that some strategies have been taken against the inequalities: self-objectification and relying on gender capital, self-silence and obeying the unequal structure, a combination of resistance and passivity, and resisting the structure. The results also showed that although press is the pioneering field in culture of the society, it is intermingled with gender inequality. The appropriate actions for solving the social and cultural problem is paying attention to the underlying causes and their consequences for female journalists.


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