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1 PhD in Economic Sociology and Development, Faculty Member of Farhangian University, Shahid Beheshti Campus, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Economic Sociology and Development, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran


This article aimd to investigate and identify causal conditions, action and interaction strategies for entrepreneurship and the formation of entrepreneurial action in the lived experiences of the founders of knowledge-based companies. Entrepreneurial action means an action towards entrepreneurship. The method is grounded theory and the data were analyzed qualitatively. The statistical population of entrepreneurs was 53 knowledge-based companies located in Mashhad. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 entrepreneurs. The central category is based on the findings of the causal conditions section. Rethinking personal identity with six sub-categories of diversity were achieved including diversity of entrepreneurial methods of action, achieving awareness, self-inquiry, future-oriented decision making, exchange of ideas and actions (back and forth between thought and action), and new ways of thinking and living. Entrepreneurial identity is not a "given" thing, but is built on a regular basis. Rethinking means that people are constantly re-evaluating their activities. The characteristics and actions of the individuals are constantly revised and fundamentally modified by information. 


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