Document Type : Case Study
1 PhD Candidate in Entrepreneurship, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Mazandaran, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Mazandaran, Iran
3 Assistant Professor in Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Mazandaran, Iran
Entrepreneurs can distinguish themselves from competitors through knowledge and are able to organize the business environment well. Entrepreneurs who have more knowledge will be able to understand the changes and developments of markets faster. Considering the importance of knowledge in economic performance, the existence of organizations in which entrepreneurial knowledge is institutionalized is so significant. The purpose of this research is providing a model of entrepreneurial knowledge formation in large-scale cooperatives. To do the the descriptive-causal rsearch at first, with a comprehensive review of the research literature, the criteria for the formation of entrepreneurial knowledge were found and summarized, and then, based on the identified criteria and sub-criteria, the Dimtel questionnaire was given to experts in order to explain and evaluate the cause and effect relationships between the criteria. The statistical population of this research consisted of experts and faculty members familiar with entrepreneurship issues in large-scale cooperatives. They were selected using snowball sampling. The obtained dimensions and components included individual characteristics, infrastructure and organization, environment and support. In the next step, using Dimetal's method, the relations between the dimensions and components of the model were determined according to the opinions of the experts and the network of relations was designed and presented in a model format. The results showed that regarding the main dimensions, the causes are individual characteristics, infrastructure, and organization, and the effects are environment and support. The four dimensions of the formation of entrepreneurial knowledge of large-scale cooperatives based on the possible hierarchy are individual characteristics, infrastructure and organization, environment, and support.
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