Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate, Department of Entrepreneurship, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran


This study used a mixed method in order to identify the dimensions and components of entrepreneurial leadership and its impact on organizational entrepreneurship in Saipa in the winter of 2021. The qualitative part of the research is based on content analysis method and the quantitative part is based on survey method. The statistical population, in the qualitative part, includes the directors and senior managers of Saipa company and in the quantitative part, it includes the middle managers, heads and experts. The sampling method was purposeful and stratified random. Qualitative data were collected through interviews with 14 experts and quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire completed by 358 people. After coding, analyzing the qualitative data, the categories, components and dimensions of entrepreneurial leadership were identified and used to compile a questionnaire. Quantitative data were also analyzed based on confirmatory factor analysis and structural model using LISREL and PLS software. Based on the research findings, the entrepreneurial leadership model was designed and presented by identifying and determining 5 dimensions and 13 components including guidance (goal orientation, inspiration and modeling), facilitation (perceptual capability, communication capability, and empowerment), support (commitment, motivation, and emotional Intelligence), managing (team orientation and participation seeking) and entrepreneurship factor (professional capability and entrepreneurial capability). The results related to the evaluation indicators of the measurement model, that is, the second-order confirmatory factor analysis and the structural model tested in this study, including the validity and reliability criteria and the fit indices of the models indicate their acceptability and appropriateness. The results of this study show that the most important factors influencing entrepreneurial leadership on organizational entrepreneurship in Saipa Company in the first place is entrepreneurship of leaders and in the second place is the factor of guiding leaders.


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