Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of Science and Technology Policy, Institute for Science and Technology Studies, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student in Systems Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Industrial Management and Technology, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Research has shown that the number of poor people and their needs is increasing despite the numerous facilities and the increase of charitable donations in recent years. Due to mismanagement and misuse of charitable donations, such traditional donations are often ineffective. On the other hand, charities also seek to help people with benevolent intentions; however, having good intentions is not enough yet. Thus, the inefficiency of charities and the failure to achieve predefined goals, as well as the concerns of charities for the government are examined in this study. The purpose of this study is to increase the effectiveness of charities and improve their performance using social innovation. In addition, the study aims to find out what factors influence the effectiveness and improvement of charitable services. To this end, after reviewing the literature, a study was conducted on the charity of Salam Social Innovation Center. As the study was of the qualitative type, action research methodology and snowball sampling were used. After identifying the problem, the systems thinking (a four-stage model of systems thinking for social change) was applied to collect the data and provide a solution. For this purpose, some interviews with stakeholders and relevant people were conducted. Then the selected solutions were developed and implemeاnted on a large scale. Finally, by evaluating the project process, the results were offered. The results and suggestions were presented in the form of two categories: immediate solutions and fundamental solutions. Immediate solutions include cooperation and raising collective capital. Fundamental solutions include improving the economic situation, allocating retail loans, cost-effective innovation and mass innovation.


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