Document Type : Research


1 PhD Candidate in Education Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Kordestan University, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Philosophy of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Kordestan University, Sanandaj, Iran


University development highly depends on faculty members and their academic collaboration. The collaboration would increase mutual understanding of the members and improve their academic activities and contributions. Taking a qualitative approach and interpretive phenomenology method, this study tried to explore the experience of co-authorship of faculty members as a visible aspect of academic collaboration. Using purposive sampling and considering data saturation, twelve faculty members were interviewed through a semi-structured questionnaire. The data analyzed using Smith and Osborne’s (2004) method and MAXQDA 2020. Results indicated two deterrent and encouraging factors among the co-authorship experiences of the faculty members. The deterrent factor, resulting from unpleasant experiences was decreasing the quality of research with two subcategory of tendency to quantification and academic reputation and the encouraging one, resulting from nice experiences was creating a scientific community with four subcategories of social trust, collaboration, improving scientific discourse and improving the quality of university. Results showed that co-authorship improves social capital in universities and the authorship itself is influenced by universities’ feedback that could be strengthening or weakening. It is recommended in this study that for encouraging the co-authorship, university should pay attention to creating an appropriate space for academic collaboration and also qualitative criteria of research.


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