Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
The results of the present research show that coinmitting delinquencies inside
and outside the school is increasingly common among junior high school third
grade students in Khorassan province. A comparison of boys and girl students
shows that girls commit considerably less delinquencies than boy students. A
study of the reasons of delinquencies inside the school shows that the following
factors have a deterring role: students' commitment to religious practices, their
attitude toward the principal and 'the assistant, a positive social image of
themselves. Also. the following factors were shown to have negative effects:
violent behavior of the school authorities, lack of satisfaction of social needs c
school, a high degree of leisure time, good. economic situation of families, i
study of delinquencies outside the school also shows that students' commitmer
to religious practices, their attitude toward the principal and the assistant,
positive social image of themselves, satisfactory academic achievement, have
deterring role. On the other hand, the following factors encourage th
commitment of delinquencies: good economic situation, problems resultin
from lack of satisfaction of social needs, discriminatory behavior of the parent:
discord between the parents, violent behaviors at home, parents' educatiol
considerable leisure and the feeling ofthe existence ofanomie in the society.
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