Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی



The purpose of this article was to study, from a sociological point of view,
the factors affecting commitment of Shiraz high school students to religious
values. The study was carried out within the theoretical framework of Weber,
Parsons, Inghart and Mead. The data was collected through a questionnaire from
a sample of 380 high school students in Shiraz in the academic year 2001-2002.
Independent variables in this study were as follows: population variables
including age and sex; variables related to the socio-economic basis including
Father's job, parents' education, field of study, father's income; welfare
facilities; variables related to the agents affecting the social acceptance of
religious values including parents, peer groups, inside-school factors (teachers
of religious education, students' council, etc.) and the variable of the amount of
using the mass media for religious purposes. The dependent variable, that is,
religion's value system, itself consists of religious belief and religious behavior.
The effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable was measured
and the results showed that most of the variables had a significant relationship
with the dependent variable and that the students' degree of commitment to
religious values is above average.
