Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
Due to the complex nature of deviation, delinquency and crime, Criminology and Sociology of Deviations have used, in their studies of social deviations, not only different theoretical frameworks but different methods commonly used in qualitative and quantitative approaches. This diversity of methods has provided great opportunities for the evaluation of the methods and eclectic use of methods, data and theories. This, in turn, has increased the validity of the findings of the research on social deviations. From the viewpoint of qualitative methodology, delinquency and crime should be studied as acts of social actors. Thus, in the study of social deviations, qualitative methods seek the meaning systems of actors, and their interpretations of their acts. Among the qualitative methods commonly used in the studies of social deviations are participant observation, in-depth interview, focus group and ethnography.
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