Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Yasouj University


Extended Abstract


The reality of Iran's higher education system reflects the delay and backward path of universities in developed countries. What drives the scientific system to be ineffective and ineffective about faculty members as the main actors in this field is rooted in cultural issues that have been neglected for various reasons. Thus, in reality, the institutional university has become restless, constantly exposed to the changing, challenging, and exposed global institutional chaos that have evolved conceptually and paradigmatically. Hence there are some deterrent factors in managing the professional path of the members that will lead to some kind of traffic entropy in the current organization. The concept of job burnout has been introduced in the context of organizational behavior management. Occupational delamination first appeared in the organizational behavior literature (1977) and mainly refers to the failure of vertical and horizontal promotion in organizational hierarchies. "In this situation, the first question that comes to mind is whether this person wants to stay in the organizational position for the rest of his or her life. The name of this process can be called" a time to get rid of people ". Plateau occupation as construction, which is meaningful to faculty members, which in their view is influenced by some factors, is capable of forming, sustaining and changing, followed by qualitative research (method). Contextual Theory, Semantic System Investigate faculty members on the phenomenon of job burnout; According to the three main components, shaping the semantic system of faculty members about the blinking shield, practice - faculty interaction, and the implications associated with this action - interacting in the field, formulating a paradigm shift in the shackles The basis of this model is to present the basic data theory of this phenomenon in the context of the study.

Review of Literature

Investigating the results of the research shows the low sense of belonging to the faculty (Ahadi, 2015), the low motivation to participate in university activities (Feizi, 2005); (Kazemipour, 1991, p. 12) ؛ Crises in the field of education, such as increasing content volume, graduated unemployed, increasing student numbers, ambiguity in student goals, lack or lack of effective drivers in students' cultural and scientific dynamics, change The relative position of education in universities and their disparity, incompatibility between education and environmental change, separation Education from research, dissertation status, etc. (Yemeni Dozi, 2012); lack of budget and lack of educational equipment; lack of enthusiasm for research and other job assignments; lack of interest in student affairs; Flexibility and the ability to keep up-to-date learning in the professional world are some of the factors that influence faculty members' dissatisfaction and occurrence. In other words, according to the deductive-hypothetical logic of quantitative method and hybrid strategy, a theory or a combination of theories as a theoretical framework for formulating hypotheses (explanatory-sequential strategy) or explaining factors related to the studied phenomenon (exploratory-sequential strategy) Can be.


The research method is a combination and sequential exploration strategy. In the qualitative phase of the research, the grounded theory method (systematic approach) was used and in the quantitative stage the survey method was used. The study population is faculty members of Tehran, Ahvaz and Yasuj universities. In the qualitative phase of the study, the sample size was 18 and in the quantitative phase 518. The sampling method in the qualitative stage is purposive-theoretical and in the quantitative stage is clustered. In the qualitative phase, the coding method was used for data analysis, and the structural equation modeling approach was used in the quantitative phase. The statistical population of the study consisted of all faculty members of the Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, University of Tehran, Shahid Chamran Ahvaz and Yasuj.

Results and Discussion

The findings of the qualitative phase of the research indicate that the faculty members' mentality about the phenomenon of career plateauing around a number of major categories and a core category called “Political - Security of Career Plateauing". The findings of the quantitative phase of the study indicate that the mean of occupational plateau variable and its dimensions are above average in the research population. Independent research variables have a relatively moderate ability to explain the variance of job offshore variables. In the empirical model of research variables include ignoring university standards, inappropriate policy and climate, job nature, individual characteristics, centralized and inefficient management and lack of scientific resilience. Directly and indirectly, through the mediating role of self-concept weakness, it affects the job load of faculty members.
According to the qualitative phase findings, the phenomenon of job plateau around organizational conditions and mental attitude of actors is formed and persists, and the results of the quantitative phase of the study largely confirm the findings of the qualitative phase of the study and show that the independent variables of the research variable are 31% of the total. Explain job strain. Given the magnitudes of the effect size of the index, the coefficient of determination of this average value is estimated; in other words, the independent variables of the study are capable of explaining the variance of the faculty member's job fluctuation variable at a relatively moderate level. 2- The direct effect of ignoring university criteria, inappropriate policy and climate, job nature, centralized and inefficient management and lack of scientific resilience on job offshore was statistically significant (p <0.05). Indirect effect of ignoring university criteria, inadequate policy and climate, job nature, centralized and inefficient management was statistically significant (p≥0.05).


According to the findings of the qualitative and quantitative phase of research, universities are therefore a kind of scientific-cultural system in which the space for criticism, freedom of expression and scientific-research capitals is of special importance. Also in this subsystem, professional ethics is one of the most important requirements for the scientific growth and promotion of teachers. If faculty members are not aligned with university functions for whatever reason, their motivation for knowledge creation and professional development is reduced, although most people are frustrated (frustrated) but few people are. As a "star" and with high scientific motivation, they have been able to improve their scientific potential and continuous science and research on the potential of structural and content offshore through access to opportunities for non-organizational structural upgrading (regular scientific and research promotion) and And overcoming their own bio. These people seem to have the most concern about the unscientific situation of the universities which have expressed them in different terms. In fact, the better the working environment for faculty members, the less motivation and plateauing will be.


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