Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
1 Kashan University
2 Payame Noor University, Tehran
Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
A phenomenon observed in recent years that has attracted the attention of social scholars is the change that has taken place in the values and attitudes that the society has undergone regarding girls and boys premarital relationships and friendships. Today, the societies jouvenals have come to know and experienced new values regarding sexual issues and behaviors. Despite the fact that friendships and advanced sexual relations with the opposite sex is against traditional, religious and cultural norms, it is a field of study and yet it is strictly prohibited. Based on the existing evidence however, in recent years, a few of the jouveniles have had secret relations with their opposite sex. So the main question of the study will be on the jouveniles’ premarital sexual relationships and how they understand and express it.
2. Theoretical framework
Based on the philosophical – paradigmic differences, in qualitative analysis, instead of using a theoretical framework to test and codify the assumptions, a conceptual framework was used to extract the questions of this study. Instead of challenging existing theories in hypothetical forms, I have analyzed and codified a new conceptual framework. In this part of the paper, some known theories in regarding the subjects of change, action change, attitude, and behavior will be reviewed. As this study was conducted based on a method of rebuilding the society, hence, these theories were used as foundamental guiding theories for further explanations and interpretations regarding the scope of the subject understudy, or in other words, they were used to increase the theoretical sensitivity of this investigation. In this study, some of the most important relevant theories were discussed to reach the objectives of this study.
Bauman's liquid love
Bauman has borrowed the idea of liquid love from Giddens and has attempted to signify technological relations like the internet in this love as well. According to Bauman, the relations between the humans has undergone changes regarding quality and the most important factor causing this change is the modern life development and all its rational and calculated features, additional to its urbanization and technological relations and public network tools.This vulerbility and liquidity of modern life has effected human relatiosn in many ways and has made them fragile and temporary too. Bauman has placed human relations at the center of its work and believes that moving from solid modernity to a liquid modernity has made "love" which is one of the quite humane and personal features of human history, to a liquid and regular entity.
Reflexivity in modernity
In terms of Giddens, tradition and modernity have always been in conflict. Previously in traditional cultures, emphasis was on past and more honor and respect was involved. Reflection and reflexivitypreviously and traditionally meant knowing action in the context in which the action emerged, but in modern era, reflexivityfound another meaning, and it became a basis for the reproduction of system. One feature of modernism is not to look for new things but to rethink everything even rethinking itself.reflexivityhas four types: First is "Power". A researcher puts knowledge at the service of some group interests; Second is the role of "value". There is no rational basis for, values affects any changes based on reflection and rethinking. Third is unintended consequences. Rethinking in the modern world has obliterated the possibility to block undesired consequences,and they are likely to happen anytime. Fourth is the " socialknowledge circulation". The knowledge that is reflexively used in system reproduction condition.
3. Method
The research method is qualitative using grounded theory as the method for research operation. The qualitative data in this study were collected using in-depth interview technique. To analyze the data and to produce the final theory, grounded theory was used. According to snowball sampling and theoretical saturation criterion, 32 young citizens of Selsele City (Alshtar) participated in this study, and their understanding of sexual relationships before marriage was reviewed and analyzed.
4. Results
The findings were gathered by use of the "grounded theory" which contains 8 general subjects as followes: new tools of communication, pressure of friendship groups, casual behaviors, seeking sexual identity, emotional need (romantic relationships), relations based on liquid love, chance and the possibility to communicate, substituting goals. The main objective of this study was the values of liberal sexuality which contains other categories as well.
5. Discussion and conclusion
In the process of making grounded theory, the abovementioned findings have shown changes in the values of the urban juveniles (Alshtar) regarding sexual issues and premarital relationships. Based on values of sexual liberty, the Alshtar juveniles had act based on the thoughts and actions of their previous generations about "premarital sexual behaviors". The participants, had acted against the values and the socio-cultural cultivations and also traditional beliefs about sexual relations and have developed a new attitude towards it
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