Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Hakim Sabzevari University

2 Islamic Azad University of Quchan


Extended Abstract
1- Introduction
During two recent decades, family as a fundamental institution has faced great challenges in a way that divorce rate has increased dramatically. Various causes may lead to divorce in different societies. According to official statistics, Khorasan Rezavi has the second place of high divorce in the country after Tehran. In 1390, ten percent of the total divorces in the country have occurred in the province. Mashhad is the most populous city of Iran after the capital- Tehran. It challenges with many problems that metropolitans of developing countries are facing with. It has the highest divorce rate among cities of Khorasan Razavi province. This paper aims at reconstructing the meaning of divorce experience of divorcees through grounded theory approach. Grounded theory tries to offer a theory based on inductive strategies about a phenomenon by using systematic procedures whereas result is a theory based on realties of the case study. The following research tries to reach fellows understanding from a new aspect and explore their ideas about divorce conditions to perceive them in a more concrete manner The main question is that what is the meaning of divorce in the eye of divorcees? Therefore, this research tries to find causal and conciliator conditions، strategic and mutual acts as well as divorce consequences.
2- Method
The method of Grounded theory helps researcher to see the phenomenon from the viewpoint of actors. According to induction and some systematic trends, it tries to study subject matter in a natural context and in permanent relation with those who involved in the problem. Twenty two women who had been involved in divorce process during 1381-1390 were interviewed. Participants were selected through theoretical and purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by coding techniques. The method of coding in grounded theory is theoretical which includes open coding, axial coding and selective coding.
3- Theoretical considerations
Like many other social problems divorce can be studied through both positivist and interpretive approaches. In spite of positivist views, interpretive approach sees the phenomenon as constructed by social actors. Knowing the meaning of the action and its social context may be fulfilled through interpretive approach. According to this perspective, actors reconstruct and understand reality based on what they create not based on preexisting laws. In doing qualitative research we use sensitizing concepts instead of theories. Sensitizing concepts do not precisely refer to what is common to a class of objects; instead it provides the researcher with a general sense of reference and guidance in approaching empirical instances. While definitive concepts in positivist methods provide prescriptions of what to see, sensitizing concepts merely suggest directions along which to look. Finally, a grounded theory is generated by themes which emerge from data during analysis, encapsulating the essence of meaning or experience drawn from varied situations.
4- Findings
Data analysis led to five main categories. One important category, which reconstructed was “destroyed relationships”. Being weaken in making sane and stable relationships with each other explains many problems in family including divorce. In spite of many activities in this area, yet couples need more skills to make healthy and safe relationship together. Another finding is that most of the women after divorce suffer from economic problems. Lack of job and sufficient income lead them to be dependent on their parents so that it is compulsory for them to live with parents. This results generally in some challenges like feeling of disturbance and discommode. The other problem of divorce for the women is social pressure, which is of great importance. Most of the time divorcees face suggestions for sexual relationship from the side of men legally or illegally. Although divorce generates many difficulties for women, it also has some positive consequences for them. For most of them divorce implies freedom not in the sense of promiscuity but being free of suffering life. After divorce women need support and feel alone so that most of them intend next marriage. This indicates that they are loyal to family in spite of their suffering from previous experience. It seems that some features of Iranian culture like family value, women’s socialization based on tender and passivity drive them to remarry. On the other hand, women who have a child and are responsible for his or her care, devote themselves to their children. This provides them to have an acceptable excuse against social pressure for being single.
5-Conclusion and Discussion
The main core category which emerged through subcategories was “hollow relationships”. All participants stated that after so many conflicts and challenges leading to divorce, they have felt that there is no meaning to continue their marital relationship. Grounded theory and Paradigm model were represented in the frame of causal and intermediate conditions، strategies as well as consequences. In sum, it seems that the meaning of divorce is under the influence of sexual discourse of the broader society than any other thing.


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