Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Alzahra University


Extended Abstract
1- Introduction
Leisure phenomenon is an organized practice and one of the indicators of quality of life and well-being in human societies, especially in modern societies” (Farhoodi, Habibi, Hataminezhad, Jafari, & Salarvandian, 2011). According to Fakouhi (2013), the most important function of recreation is helping to reproduce life in its healthy and unpathological dimensions. “Leisure along with its associated issues is one of the most important issues of the world” (Hosseini, Rahimi, Ajorloo, Majidi, & Roozbehani, 2006, p. 18). Hereon, “women’s leisure is especially significant due to sensitivities which reside in their social life and societies” (Farhoody et al., 2011, p. 87). The issue of women’s leisure satisfaction needs to be scrutinized due to different interpretations of women's affairs. The importance of this issue becomes more pronounced in relation to married employed women whose working outside the home has not influenced their duties at home and also in relation to the efficiency of the organization in which they work. There are numerous factors which influence the peoples’ choice in how to spend their leisure time and how much to be satisfied of their leisure: the first category is linked to individual factors. The second category is related to the environment and conditions in which the person lives. For example, social context that person is part of that, education and cultural factors. The third category refers to available situations and services for people such as resources (supports) and facilities (Ebrahimi & Moslemi Petroody, 2010; Kang, 2010). It seems that examining logical relationship among women issue, leisure satisfaction and the existing resources within the networks of persons is one of the major goals about which the researchers, sociologists and officials should care.

2- Theoretical Framework
The Direct Affect Model and the theory of social resources are used to investigate the relationship between social support and strength tie with leisure satisfaction. The direct effect model examines the relationship between two variables, social support and leisure satisfaction, regardless of the level of stress. In addition, according to the assumptions of the theory of social resources, having strong ties with members of the network as well as having access to the existing supports within these networks are effective in the leisure satisfaction.

3- Methodology
The study was carried out using survey method and questionnaire. Statistical population is constituted of all working and married women aged 20-55 years living in Ardabil. Participants were 356 women chosen by multistage cluster sampling. The Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha of 0.69 for leisure satisfaction and 0.73 for social support shows face validity of these variables and appropriate reliability of the tests.

4- Results & Discussion
Based on the results of the regression analysis and multiple correlation coefficient the variables of socioeconomic status, strength ties and informal social networks support have an extraordinary impact on the explanatory variables (leisure satisfaction). These variables' rate (r = 0.447) correlated with the dependent variable. The coefficient of determination (R2) result also shows that 0.20 of changes in the leisure satisfaction of married employed women, is the function of the independent variables.

5- Suggestions
The findings indicate that the effect of social support is higher compared with other variables and this indicates that the exchange of social support should be considered in all aspects of life to improve the well-being and quality of people's life. It is essential for both officials and the people to consider providing support for married employed women in the area of leisure to improve and increase their beneficial effects on family members as well as increase in their efficiency in the organization. In addition, it is needed to encourage people in exchanging support in this scope.


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