Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


One of the most important problems facing urban managers and administrators in reconstruction of old urban texture is lack of agreement with property owners about the price of the properties. This study examines the attitude of old buildings owners of Samen region toward the method of property pricing and the factors involved. The study uses a survey method, using a questionnaire to collect data. The statistical population of the study consists of all the property owners of the old urban texture of Samen region. The sample size is 250 owners selected based on their share using a classification system. Since the region is divided into 4 segments, we have made sure that sample size is in proportion with the share of each segment. The findings suggest that 66.26 percent of the owners have a negative attitude toward pricing method and only 11 percent have a positive attitude. The rest of the owners expressed a neutral attitude. The results from analysis of multivariable regression have showed that the most effective variable affecting attitude of owners toward pricing is correct information that they possess about pricing method. This variable has an influence coefficient of 0.496; the other effective variables affecting the attitude of owners towards pricing are the following in order of importance: attitude of owners towardreconstruction and construction plans, distance between property and Holy Shrine and, finally, attitude of the owners’ relatives.


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