Submission requirements
It is recommended to study the aims and scope of the journal and consider the articles published in the previous issues of the journal.
Are you sure that the manuscript has not been published previously nor submitted to other journals at the same time?
It is recommended to read the “submission guidelines” carefully before preparing the manuscript.
Checklist for manuscript content
Keywords help relevant readers/ audience find your manuscript faster.
Choosing proper title and abstract will help you to attract the attention of readers
The manuscript must be in accordance with the journal’s Author Guide.
The manuscript should be written legibly. All the manuscript should be checked for spelling and grammar.
Are you ready to submit?
Authors should clearly state any possible conflicts of interest (direct financial, indirect financial, professional conflict, and intellectual property). Get the conflict of interest form from the journal's website.
An ORCID is a unique identifier that links all your publications together. If you do not have an ORCID, it is recommended that you create one.
Enter the ORCIDs of other authors when submitting the manuscript.
It is necessary to upload these files to submit your manuscript:
- Author’s page (including authors’ names, academic position and affiliation of all authors, corresponding author’s email address and phone number)
- Main manuscript: (in *.doc or *.docx format) prepared according to the journal’s requested format
- Authorship declaration Form
- Conflicts of Interest Form