Document Type : Scientific-Research
This article is a sociological analysis of students political participation and the data are collected through questionnaires from 379 students of University of Tehran. This article has used the theories of Huntington, Geol, Milbrath, Lipset and political socialization theories. The theoretical framework of the study is eclectic and emphasizes on political socialization. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a meaningful relationship between 16 variables from 21 independent variables (gender, age, marriage position, mother’s education, father’s education, the type of father’s job, mother’s job status, person’s residence, economic position, type of the university, political family, political friends, participation in voluntary association, religion commitment, using of mass media, tendency to mass media) and individual political participation and there is no meaningful relationship between 5 independent variables (person’s education, person’s job position, the type of mother’s job, father’s job status and ethnicity) and individual political participation. The results of multiple analysis also indicate that only 5 variables (political friends, political family, tendency to mass media, participation in association and father's education) from several independent variables were applied, and that generally explained 64/8 of the dependent variable variance. The results of this multiple analysis indicate the importance of political socialization theory in the explanation of political participation.
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