Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی



Contemporary sociology in many ways still depends on the classical theories. The emergence of new phenomena and their increasing importance in the modern society requires new explanations. The qualitative and quantitative growth of sciences, especially humanities, in the last hundred years has made various scientific disciplines dependent on each other. This is what makes the work of contemporary sociologists different from that of their predecessors. The theory of rational choice, especially that of Michael Hector, combining various aspects of social theories, has attained a creative and dynamic combination. Hector has played an important role in the development of the theory of sociology in general and the theory of rational choice in particular by combining the micro and macro levels and analyzing various aspects of the social organization. In this paper, the writer first deals with the history and theoretical foundations of the theory of rational choice, and then concentrates on the views of Michael hector. Finally, the writer addresses all the criticism of the theory.
