Document Type : Case Study


1 Assistant Professor of Crime Prevention Management, Amin University of Police Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Instructor of Crime Law and Criminology, University of Applied Science and Technology, Arak, Iran

3 Instructor of Business Management, University of Applied Science and Technology, Arak, Iran


Lifestyle is a set of tastes, beliefs, behaviors and behavioral achievements of a person, a group or a culture. Various socio-cultural and religious institutions are trying to explicate the religious lifestyle and implement its components in the religious society. They are doing this through weighting the values and fighting against anti-values to internalize the values. The purpose of internalizing the Islamic lifestyle is to preserve the spiritual and psychological life and security of the society, to strengthen families, to raise a generation of believers and revolutionaries, and to neutralize cultural conspiracies. Along with these revolutionary institutions, some people are also trying to attack the religious beliefs by promoting the western lifestyle and the tendency of the youth towards this type of lifestyle and cause unrest and loss of social security. Clarifying the relationship between Islamic lifestyle as a belief and behavior and social security as a need is very important at it will have a significant impact on the internalization of Islamic lifestyle and, as a result, achieving social security. Therefore, a case study of this important issue in the city of Arak was the aim of this research. To do this, a survey was done using library method and a descriptive approach. The opinion of elites and experts of security and information institutions were obtained to investigate the role of religious lifestyle and its impact on social security in Arak. The study come to the conclusion that adopting the Islamic lifestyle and living in accordance with the Islamic lifestyle has resulted in healthy communication away from destructive factors, and has resulted in the establishment of order and security in the society.


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