Document Type : Applied


1 PhD in Demography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Demography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Associate Professor in Demography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor in Biostatistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Divorce has been one of the big challenges in social issues of different societies. Many factors have increased divorce and researches in this regard. The applied study aimed to explore the causes, factors, consequences, and decreasing strategies of divorce in Iran. Fuzzy Delfi technique was used for identifiying the causes, consequences and strategies of decreasing divorce in Iran for the first time. Using the technique, 13 researchers and ecperts of divorce were interviewed and then the main strategies of decreasing divors were identified and ranked. “Lack of communication skills (between the couples, family members, and families)”, “unprecedented increase in entrance of women into labor market in recent decades that has resulted in economic independence and making women who are not satisfied with their marriage choose divorce”, and “the couples tendency towards social networks” are among the main causes of devorce. The main consequences of divorce were identified to be psychological traumas, problem in socialization of children of divorced parents, boost of female-headed households. Among the main strategies for decreasing divorce were “controlling and decreasing the social damages threatening family, especially addiction, unemployment, poverty, violence, spousal abuse”, “providing life skills trainings such as the rights and duties of couples, marital issues, better dialogue and an appropriate model of participation of couples in different decision makings in society”.


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