Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Women and Family Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Master of Women Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


This study will enumerate and analyze policies and upstream documents regarding the participation of women in the economy and various sectors of the broad field of economics, including employment, entrepreneurship, investment, and so forth. In this research, the Thematic analysis method was used and the collected data were coded using thematic analysis, and ultimately concepts and themes were extracted from it. The statistical population of this study is all top-level texts and documents of the system, including 25 documents, in which the topic of women and women's economic participation is mentioned in some way. The findings of this study have been categorized into two comprehensive themes; the first theme is "women's participation under inclusive laws and policies," which includes two comprehensive themes of "ensuring human rights" and "expanding social justice." The second theme is titled "women's participation in laws and policies specific to them," which includes three organizing themes of "providing opportunities for women's economic participation," "supporting the continuity of women's participation and strengthening their position," and "removing barriers to economic participation". Although the laws and policies have paid attention to the issue of women and some laws and programs have addressed the dimensions of women’s economic participation. However, there are many challenges and obstacles regarding women’s participation, which has caused laws and policies not to be implemented and the discussion of women’s economic participation remains challenging.
