Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

3 Bachelor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran


Today, one of the most important hidden social harms is the issue of sexual violence against women, which is inflicted on them by their husbands. Sexual violence in general has destructive effects on the spirit and psyche of women and hinders the growth and prosperity of this future class and causes the feeling of insecurity among women. Considering this importance, the present study was also conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship between social capital and sexual violence among married women in Qazvin city. The research method of the research is survey type. The data collection tool is a questionnaire, and the statistical population includes all married women in Qazvin city, among whom 383 people were selected through Cochran's statistical formula and stratified random sampling to collect the necessary information. The required software for experimenting and analyzing data is SPSS software. The results of the correlation test showed that the linear relationship between the components of social capital including social commitment, social support and social participation with two components of sexual violence (physical violence and psychological violence) with 99% confidence and at a significance level less than 0.01. Confirmation received. The type of all mentioned relationships is negative and inverse. Also, the results of the multivariate regression analysis indicate that the variables present in the regression model are able to explain 43% of the changes in the dependent variable of sexual violence against women.
