Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Research institute of Guilan Studies, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


Current research sought to understand the Mamauk sub-culture in Zahedan city as a crooked sub-culture, the characteristics that govern the relationships between its members and the wider society, and the behavioral and thought patterns accepted in it from the perspective of its members. This research was conducted using qualitative research approach. Using purposeful sampling and conducting 23 semi-structured interviews were conducted with trained native interviewers or those who had the experience of being a member of the mentioned subculture. The results showed that the participants defined their membership in the form of concepts like Beras-Dari. That is, in the Mamauk group, the members are considered as brothers to whom do “any” thing for the other brother (another member of the group). Membership in the mentioned group was based on internal desire, unfavorable economic conditions, encouragement of relatives, membership of important others, face preservation, and the prevention of oppression. Moreover, they said that the existence of such issues as neighborhood midwifery experience, local pathetic competition, the control and limitation of neighborhood relations makes the ground for fulfilling the membership. Moreover, in facing the upcoming challenges, the participants use such solutions such as persuasion, fierce war, and release and escape. This is a way to reduce the challenges resulting from being a member of the small group. Also, being a member of the Mamauk group has positive consequences (e.g., financial supports, support in conflicts, enjoying in free time, and expanding friendly social relations) and negative consequences (e.g., negative activism, drug addiction, feelings of loss, and making enemies, and social stigma). In general, the findings describe the relationship model of the members through axial form of “victim avoidance”.


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