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1 Assistant Professor in Sociology, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran

2 Master of Sociology, Qochan Islamic Azad University, Qochan, Iran


The aim of this study was investigating the relationship between the rate of religiosity and high lifestyle among school girls in Shirvan city. The  problematic assumption is that social-cultural changes at the macro-level of society and consequently possible changes at the middle level of the family, significant changes in the attitudes and beliefs of individuals, especially the younger generations of society, are also likely. The research method is survey and data collection tool is LSQ and Gluck and Stark Religious Scale. The statistical population of the study was all the students of 16 girls' high schools in Shirvan. The sample includes 368 students who were selected by simple random sampling. For analyzing data, PLS structural equations were used. Results showed a strong and direct relationship (with path coefficient of 0.804, T-Value possibility of 37.458 and effect of 0.382) between level of religiosity and lifestyle of girls. Moreover, the literacy level of parents has a direct relationship with their health-oriented lifestyle (with a path coefficient of 0.096, a probability value of T-Value of 2.288 and an effect size of 0.110), but there was not a strong relationship between the socio-economic status of students and their lifestyle. There is a high possibility that this relationship is not significant because of the low variance of the socio-economic status of families in a small city like Shirvan. The findings have also confirmed such low variance.


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