Document Type : Case Study


1 MA in Urban Mangement, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Professor in Geograpghy and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 MA in Geography and Urban Planning, Sari University, Sari, Iran


Tourism is one of the global issues that well expresses the combination of economic, social and cultural affairs. This study aimed to investigate the driving factors of the mixed marketing on the desire for shopping among pilgrims and tourists who stay in 3- and 5-star hotels in Mashhad. Different measures of central tendency were used to describe descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used for inferential statistics. The number of religious tourists in Mashhad have been reported to be 31,188,664 people, so out of the population, 9,792,252 resided in 3-star hotels and 776,552 resided in 5-star hotels. The sample size was determined 380 participants according to Cochran’s formula. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software. In analysis of structural equations, the proposed model for investigating the relationship between marketing stimuli and pilgrims buying behavior presents fit indices. The results showed that mixed marketing factors have an effect on individual factors (occupation, economic status and personality). To change consumers’ buying behavior, as the first priority, psychological factors such as attitude, motivation and purpose of purchase should be taken into consideration and as the second priority, socio-cultural factors such as education, family, and social roles should be considered. The third priority was to simultaneously pay attention to individual factors such as job factors, economic status and personality, and mixed marketing driving factors such as product, price, promotion and distribution in Mashhad. This way, it could impact positively the quality of travel, the image of city as tourist-friendy city, and increase the number and quality of travels.


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