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1 Associate Professor in Department of Sociology, Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Cultural Sociology, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

3 MA in Sociology, Tehran University, Faculty of Social Science, Tehran, Iran


The main purpose of this study was a deconstructive reading of the death of kolbrs. The sign-event of the death of kolbar is a means for pondering upon the situation in which kolbari is an object of control, policy making, and management. The process of naming and objectifying kolbars is the other side of the same coin of disclaiming the moral responsibility from the residents of the inner parts as subjects in contrast to the death of frontiers as Others. The study tried to be a deconstructive reading of this death, i.e., a deep deconstruction of mechanisms and methods that the dominant discourse uses to present the Other as an indisputable and unmerciful being. To achieve this purpose, the study relies on some concepts such as the binary of the drive of death and the drive of life, Eros-Thanatos dialogic, the conflict between regular issues and politics, and the hierarchy of distribution of tangible issue. In addition to these theoretical concepts, it was tried to delve into the everyday lives, and the objective status of the production of the phenomenon of kolbari and sing-event of the death of kolbar through a deconstructive reading and using the analysis of interviews with twenty kolbars. The results showed that the logic of dominant political economy in border provinces pushes the people of middle and poor classes to smuggling activates out of city by making them feel redundant people in urban spaces. Then, the cycle of executing cross-border security and trade results in their death. But their death is presented as being accidental and the cost of providing security. The sign-event of death of kolbar in its current form is a construction of media, the main function of which is hiding and forgetting turning regular people into evil and worthless people.


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