Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی



It has long been assumed that there is a positive relationship between religious orientation and mental health. Recently, this has been supported by experimental evidence provided by psychologists of religion. In this paper, the aim of the writers is provide further support by studying the relationship between the degree of religious orientation of immigrants and their mental health, using Alport and Ross model. The findings of the study confirm the relationship. Based on the findings, there is a significant relationship between the variables educational background (r= 0.28), age (r= 0.21), income (r= 0.58), duration of residence (r=0.33) with the mental health of immigrants. The results of the multi-variable regression show that the dependent variable is directly influenced by the variables religious orientation, education, sex, age and inner-religious orientation, and that these variables, in proportion to the degree to which they have accounted for the variable mental health, have entered the regression equation, explaining 72% of the changes of the variable. (R2= 0.72)
