Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی



In the present century, which is the age of rapid growth of technology and knowledge, in addition to the development of formal teaching, increasing attention has been paid to distant education by various organizations and societies. This paper is a report of a research entitled “a study of the success and obstacles of distant education services project of Khorassan Province Literacy Organization.” The statistical universe of the project included a total of 24655 people, with the sample group being 341. In the first stage, 9 towns were elected using a cluster method. In the second stage, the sample was selected randomly. The results of the statistical tests showed the project is found useful basically by those living in deprived regions, women, youth and the single (81.9% of the respondents, while referring to its shortcomings, found the project useful.) They found its most important advantages as follows: boosting knowledge level (73.7%); increasing the ability to read and write (35%); solving the educational problems of the parents (22.3%); saves time, increases the interest in reading. Fills the leisure time, helps planning for life. The most important shortcoming were announced to be the following: problems related to sending the material (57.22%); content of the books (41.6%); laws and regulations (41.64); human resources (37.48%) budget supply (58.22%) and the problems related to learners (47.2%). The suggestions made to make the project more efficient are the following: giving more variety to the material, including more hilarious staff, satisfying the needs of youth and the single; paying attention to local needs and teaching vocations, holding contests, offering certificates, etc.
