Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Allameh Tabataba'i University


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Different views agree that there cannot be any specific point for entry into adulthood, and usually young people pass through main stages that refer to change in different periods of life. For example, sociologists refer to outstanding transitions such as the employment, family, marriage and housing. Of course, this aspect of the concept of transition refers to the change of role, and one can look at the transition from another angle, and it is the inference of the intergenerational value changes of this term. This means that the transition, in addition to the movement from youth to adult, is defined as a process for opening cultural creation. But these transitions show that the independence of the youth and, as a result, reaching their adult age, are influenced by agency, constructivist forces, and current attitudes in each age. So, in this article, the experience of family and professional transition of young people between two generations is compared and also the role of individual capabilities and structural factors in the transition of two generations have been studied.
2. Theoretical framework
The postmodern flow brings about irrefutable changes in the style and patterns of consumption, and young people cannot believe in the previous axioms as before, and on the other hand, young people create a divergent style of life, which their decisions depend on. In this context we will make use of the theory of uncertainty decrease in order to determine the extent to which the agency plays a role in this process. Also, according to the constructed individualist theory, a series of constraints and factors affect individualism; that is, it attempts to consider the interconnection and linkage of change and continuity or agency and structure. Therefore, using a combination of postmodernity theories, the constructed individualism and the theory of the reduction of uncertainties, the questions are answered this research and the hypotheses have been tested.
3. Method
The method of this study was survey and our statistical population consisted of all those born in Dehgolan city in 1954 and 1984. To determine the sample size, which was 317 people in this study, the Cochran sampling formula was used; the sampling method in this study was a combination of proportional, single-step, simple randomized cluster sampling and snowball sampling. At first, by referring to the health center of Dehgolan city and county registration, the birth statistics of two generations in the whole city was determined to be 1795, then the urban and rural centers of Dehgolan city were put in 5 clusters of north, south, east, West and Center. From each of these clusters were selected to be interviewed.
4. Findings
Findings show that the current generation of young people does not make transitions the same as the previous generations, as standard, limited and expected events, but the transitions are varied, longer, and unpredictable. Furthermore, the results of regression analysis showed that 55.7 percent of the changes in the job transition of the 63-year-old with the five variables of gender, family support, media, religion and education, and 58.8 percent of the changes in the transition to this generation with five variables of gender, education, media Age, and socioeconomic status are explained. However, 16% of the job transition changes are predicted with the only one factor family and 48.1% of the transition changes to marriage are predicted with four factors of gender, religion, customs and age.
5. Discussion and Conclusion
In this paper, with the review of postmodernity theories, constructed individualism and the theory of reduction of uncertainties, we proposed different issues in the field of transitions. One of the most important questions of this research was the differences between the two generations regarding transition and that what factors affect the transition to marriage and career between the two generations. The results showed that in the past, the transitional process of young people was limited, it was expectable and standard, but today we see that the youth have not completely followed the traditional order. For this reason, on the one hand, they call for operationalization of a pure agency and, on the other hand, they are within the boundaries of structural constraints, which is why they see their progressive lines filled with turbulence.


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