Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 shahed University

2 Asadinaghdlo


This research has been carried out with a view to achieving the perspective and subjective orientation of consuming a specific type of music chosen by the youth. All over the research, the interpretationism paradigm and paying attention to subjective orientation of the consumer being studied have been dominant over the research work.
The research has been performed based on qualitative method and grounded theory; and deep interview was used for data collection technique. Statistical POPULATION OF THE RESEARCH WAS THE QAZVIN YOUTHS AGED 20-29 AND SAMPLING WAS CARRIED OUT THROUGH CONTROLLED METHOD WHICH IS AN APPROPRIATE METHOD FOR QUALITATIVE RESEARCHES. Statistical sample size was 23 cases in accordance with the characteristics of the target population and thereupon 12 men and 11 women were interviewed. This research suggests that young people, with a fully dynamic selection and with full recognition, choose different genres of music while acting aggregrationaly in their selection, in respect of difference in selection, they believe in speciality of their choice, they demand plurality and social leniency in selection, they protest patriarchy, lack of a proper alternative, and being abandoned, they find their identity with music and at the same time they have not a sense of being isolated from the larger society and are willing to maintain the link with the dominant culture; And young consumers apply all such musical strategies music to express their opinion in the society. They express their protest and also link with the society via such strategies.
