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1 1 PhD student of Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul

2 Department, Faculty, University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.


The current research was conducted to investigate the effect of strategic agility on the behavioral intentions of customers in Asia Insurance Company. In terms of the research design, the present research is a cross-sectional quantitative, correlation study; Based on the purpose, it is an applied study; In terms of monitoring and the degree of control over the variables, it is in the category of descriptive research; Based on the nature and method, it is in the category of survey type field research. The research statistical population was 367 employees and experts of Asia Insurance Company in Razavi Khorasan province. Using Cochran's formula, 188 people were determined as a statistical sample and selected by conducting random sampling. The data collection tool was Ahmadzadeh's standard questionnaire (2023) for strategic agility and Zeitamel et al.'s (1996) questionnaire for customers' behavioral intentions. The construct validity of the questionnaire was checked with confirmatory factor analysis, and its reliability was evaluated and confirmed using a composite reliability coefficient. The inferential analysis of the data in line with the testing of the hypotheses has been done by structural equation modeling using the maximum likelihood method in the AMOS software. The research results showed that the strategic agility of Asia Insurance Company affects customers' intention to advertise by word of mouth, intention to recommend the firm to others, intention to be loyal to the firm, intention to buy more from the firm, and intention to pay more to the firm.
